Flow Playground

Send Transactions

How to send transactions

Another common case is interactions that mutate network state - sending tokens from one account to another, minting new NFT, etc. Framework provides sendTransaction method to achieve this. This method have 2 different signatures.

⚠️ Required: Your project must follow the required structure it must be initialized to use the following functions.


Send transaction to network. Provides explicit control over how you pass values.


props object accepts following fields:

codestringstring representation of Cadence transaction
namestringname of the file in transaction folder to use (sans .cdc extension)
args[Any]an array of arguments to pass to transaction. Optional if transaction does not expect any arguments.
signers[Address]an array of Address representing transaction autorizers
addressMapAddressMapname/address map to use as lookup table for addresses in import statements

⚠️ Required: Either code or name field shall be specified. Method will throw an error if both of them are empty. If name field provided, framework will source code from file and override value passed via code field.

📣 if signers field not provided, service account will be used to authorize the transaction.

📣 Pass addressMap only in cases, when you would want to override deployed contract. Otherwide imports can be resolved automatically without explicitly passing them via addressMap field


import path from "path";
import { init, emulator, sendTransaction, getAccountAddress } from "flow-js-testing";

const main = async () => {
  const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../cadence");
  const port = 8080;

  // Init framework
  await init(basePath, { port });
  // Start emulator
  await emulator.start(port);

  // Define code and arguments we want to pass
  const code = `
    transaction(message: String){
      prepare(signer: AuthAccount){
  const args = ["Hello, from Cadence"];
  const Alice = await getAccountAddress("Alice");
  const signers = [Alice];

  const [tx, error] = await sendTransaction({ code, args, signers });
  console.log(tx, error);
  // Stop emulator instance
  await emulator.stop();


sendTransaction(name, signers, args)

This signature provides simplified way to send a transaction, since most of the time you will utilize existing Cadence files.

namestringname of the file in transaction folder to use (sans .cdc extension)
args[Any]an array of arguments to pass to transaction. Optional if transaction does not expect any arguments.
signers[Address]an array of Address representing transaction autorizers


import path from "path";
import { init, emulator, sendTransaction } from "flow-js-testing";

const main = async () => {
  const basePath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../cadence");
  const port = 8080;

  // Init framework
  await init(basePath, { port });
  // Start emulator
  await emulator.start(port);

  // Define arguments we want to pass
  const args = ["Hello, Cadence"];

  const [tx, error] = await sendTransaction("log-message", [], args);
  console.log(tx, error);
